Friday, January 19, 2007

Already Tired of Third Trimester

I'm now at 30 weeks, 2 weeks into the third trimester. I'm already longing for second trimester. Then I had energy and was showing, but not overly inconvenienced. This week I developed sciatica (literally a pain in the butt). I got trapped in the kitchen when it became too painful to walk or even stand. Fortunately, Curtis was due home and could help me go lie down. Since walking seems to make the pain worse, I'm trying to go to more water fitness classes at the gym to get things to loosen up.

Yesterday, I got to go to the hospital to get a shot of Rogam in case the baby's blood type is different from mine. That was loads of fun as no one seemed to know where the shots were administered so I kept getting sent to different desks and of course there was a wait at each one. Hard to believe that I went to so much effort in order to be stabbed in butt with a needle and pay for the privilege.

In any case, between the pain in the rear, the normal pregnancy back pain, and the giant tummy, I'm having trouble getting comfortable enough to sleep. Plus I have a cold. Sigh, another 10 weeks of this.


Cheryl FM said...

Awww...sorry dude. :( While I have no ability to know exactly what you're going through, please know you're in my prayers, pain in the butt and all...

Cylithera said...

Eek! Now I'm getting really scared of the thought of having a baby at any point...

In any event, good luck with the third trimester!

willowlaughter said...

sounds like the health care system is once again living up to all our expectations of being extremely confusing... hope you and Curtis are doing well otherwise :-)

Lidarose said...

Hey, Jenny -- at least part of the answer to the sleep problem: lots of pillows! Third trimester was not my favorite either, as far as sleep-ability went, but it was the most exciting :-) Every time, just when I thought that I was really just fat and the whole thing was a cruel joke and I'd never really give birth, I went into labor. It kind of sneaked up on me with every pregnancy. You're almost to the end of the first chapter of the Big Adventure and close to the beginning of the next, much longer, chapter.... enjoy! It never gets any easier than this.