Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hi! My Name is No-No-Bad-Cat.

6:30am - Family wakes up. Cat is congratulated for a hairball-free night. (Was becoming almost a nightly occurrence, but more brushing has helped.)
Sometime before 7:30am - Cat eats some cat food, jumps into windowsill above bed, throws up in windowsill, down wall, and onto Curtis's endtable.
7:45am - Curtis eagerly leaves for work.
8:30am - With Thomas down for a nap, Jenny tackles cat mess. Yuck. Need an apron and rags. Cat follows and decides to yowl for tuna. Cat wakes up Thomas. Grr!!!
9:00am - Cat naps to rest after its busy morning. Jenny finishes scrubbing and rinsing wall, floor, endtable, slippers, etc. Must avoid killing cat.

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